Jesus the Wall Breaker
Matthew 1:18-21 “Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. Her husband Joseph, being a righteous man and unwilling to...
God is planting a “Seed of Hope” in you!
Recently as I was spending time with the Lord I heard the words, “What do you see?” Immediately, God gave me a vision of myself walking in some of the things I had been praying for over the past year. I saw myself healthy, happy and serving God with joy and satisfaction. I saw some issues resolved that had dominated my prayer list for some time. I was enjoying the life of prosperity and abundance. I knew that God had planted a Seed of Hope in me that I could feel deeply. I sense that God is wanting to plant Seeds of Hope in the Body of Christ right now so that we are ready for what is about to happen. God is about to do a new and glorious thing in us both personally and corporately. I know you have heard it before but, a great move of God is about to bust
I am reminded of the story of Elijah in 1 Kings 18 when he declared to Ahab that the drought in the land was ending. There is a parallel between this and what God is doing right now. It states in 1 Kings 18:41 “And Elijah said to Ahab, Go up, eat and drink for there is the sound of abundance of rain.” Elijah might not have heard the sound with his natural ears but, I believe he did hear it in his Spirit. Right now God is stirring up inside of us a knowing that there is a turn around, a shift, an anticipation, that something is up! God is about to move on our behalf in a magnificent way. He is planting a Seed of Hope.
After Elijah told Ahab what he was hearing he did something else. In 1 Kings 18:42, it says “So Ahab went up to eat and to drink. And Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; and he bowed himself down upon the earth and put his face between his knees.” Elijah positioned himself for what was coming. This is the time to position ourselves for what God is about to do. Picture Elijah, he bowed down with his face between his knees. He took a position of humility and surrender. He closed himself in with God in intimacy and worshiped the Lord. That is where we need to be in this hour. God is planting the “Seed of Hope” inside of you and now is the time to get into position for what is about to happen.
As Elijah waited for the manifestation of rain, he sent his servant seven times to look for any evidence. 1 Kings 18:43 states “and he said to his servant. Go up now, look toward the sea. And he went up and looked and said. There is nothing. Elijah said, go again seven times.” It must have been discouraging to have the servant come back so many times with bad news. How many of you have experienced bad news and disappointment during this last season. It has been shockingly disappointing in many ways for the Saints. But as we wait for God to move we can do what Elijah did, “take the position of humility, and surrender get closed in with God and worship Him. Because in just a little while things are about to change. In 1 Kings 18:45 it says “In a little while, the heavens were black with wind-swept clouds, and there was a great rain.” Get excited because “things are about to change.”
This is a time to receive that “seed of hope” in your heart. It’s the time to get into the position of humility, surrender, intimacy with the lover of your soul, Jesus, and worship your way out of this season into the next. A great move of God is coming quickly and in fact has already started. Get ready for your destiny to be fulfilled, your God ordained purpose to be revealed, your spiritual gifts to be stirred up, and to be used mightily by God in this glorious hour of God pouring Himself out upon the earth.
Do you want to walk in a “Revival Carrier Anointing”
As I have ministered recently God has been showing me people who possess a special kind of anointing. I can pick them out in the congregation. If I could label this anointing, I would call it a “Revival Carrier Anointing.” I believe God is issuing an invitation to all who are open to Him to carry this unique anointing in this season of outpouring. Would you like to be one who lives in personal revival to the extent that it flows out of you and is contagious? Then say yes to God because He is longing to saturate you with the oil of revival!
As you say yes to God and stay full of the Holy Spirit, everywhere you go people will be touched by Jesus. As you live a surrendered life a sweet revival anointing will rest upon you. Angels will be assigned to you to carry the message of salvation. Signs, wonders and miracles will follow you. People will be healed and set free as you lay hands upon them and pray. Joy will be restored as the intoxicating presence of God flows out of you. Beloved, if you are reading this then God is inviting you to be a crucial part of a great outpouring upon the earth. Will you be willing to host God’s Revival Carrier Anointing?
As your commitment to serve God in revival deepens you may notice some changes happening in your attitude and Spirit.
You may sense a strong almost relentless desire to see revival manifest. You will cry out like Psalm 85:6 “Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?”
Your hunger for a personal touch from God will increase, like David wrote in Psalm 63:1 “Oh God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.”
There will be a grieving over the condition of apathy you may see in the church and when encountering a religious spirit. Revelation 3:14 to the Church in Laodicea, “I know your deeds that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!”
As you drink deeply from God and receive His love you will love others and long for them to experience God’s love also. Matthew 22:37-39, “Jesus replied. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it. “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
As you are reading this consider it an invitation from God to join a great army of “Revival Carriers” who have an anointing to carry the glory and greatness of God. To take revival to the church, to the streets, to their schools, workplace, neighborhood and family. God has an assignment for you! You haven’t missed it, or been overlooked by God. Just say yes, take a deep breath and dive into the adventure that awaits you!